This is the first picture I drew of my OC, Suna Akimoto, from my first D.N.Angel fanfiction, I'm a WHAT?, and its sequel, Back to Square One.

I like to draw what my characters look like, so that I can sort of cover anything in thier description I might have missed.


This is another picture I drew of Suna, being all "Sacred Maiden"-looking. I think it turned out kind of odd, but you can tell who it is, anyway. I drew this picture to kind of represent my story in general. 


The girl in this picture is also from Back to Square One. Obviously, she's another OC. She's the daughter of Satoshi and Risa, and twin to Takumi Hikari, who I have yet to draw.

This drawing demonstrates how not skillful I am with screen-tone and wavy hair. Tomomi's eyes were also giving me a hard time that day, so her one eye is rather small, and she's missing the other... I also do not have much talent with flowers, so I think I got pretty lucky with those roses.


This was my attempt at drawing The Heart, the main artwork in the stories mentioned above. It's not colored or anything like that, because I find it rather difficult to draw crystal -- especially with my main medium, which is any manner of graphite or the occasional colored pencil -- and liquidy metal-type stuff is equally challenging...

And to tell you the truth, this isn't really what I originally pictured the piece to look like... but it was as close as I could get...


These two girls used to be siamese twins, but somehow they got gruesomely separated and upon thier death were sucked into a portrait of them entitled Gomenasai. Dark stole the portrait and now he and Krad are stuck with two little girls who speak in third-person and know too much. From my Children of the Mirror trilogy, I bring you: Meikano and Rita!

Now, this picture was originally going to be a sort of reproduction of Gomenasai, but I ended up putting the girls each on the wrong side, and their heads would have also been attatched at the wrong position (should be more towards the back of thier heads), so needless to say: This isn't Gomenasai. Instead, it is just a picture of the girls, fully healed (save for thier eyes -- or lack thereof -- which just won't) and  dressed up patriotically for thier new Daddies.

As another note: I'm not the greatest little-kid artist, so they look older than they should... [Finished at 2:53AM on Dec. 31st]

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