This first drawing is a picture of Edward Cullen, from Twilight. It's one of those pictures where you try to recreate a picture just by looking at it, and this happens to be off of the CD cover for the Twilight Movie Soundtrack.
This was the front of a birthday card for a friend.

(And, no -- the butterfly is not part of the picture...)


My first successful attempt at chibi art. Pretty cute, huh? I drew it on Christmas Eve, and gave it to my Mom & Dad for Christmas. Of course, Dad sent it out to everybody via e-mail, and I sent it to my friends, too.

The little guys in the corner are Warren and Dom.
They're characters from a story I am still in the process of trying to figure out.

The chibi girl is based off of me, sort of, except I wear glasses...


This guy is Dom. Recognize him from the chibi picture? He doesn't currently have a story exactly figured out for him, but what I do know is that he is a secondary character, and he's a vampire.


 Ths is Warren, who is also one of the little guys in my chibi picture. This is kind of a bad photo... eventually I'll get around to actually scanning these guys, but for the time being this was more convenient.

For those of you who know D.N.Angel, after drawing Warren, I figured out that... he kind of looks like Dark and Krad... sort of squished together... Warren is also a vampire, and is actually one of the main characters in the story they'll be in.


This is just a random little thing I did today (1/11/09). He kinda looks like a little child Dark, but that wasn't the original plan. (There wasn't a plan, really -- that's why it's random...)

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