More Greek Gods & Goddesses 


 This is Hades (the Ruler of the Underworld and also the God of precious metals, whose tell-tale signs are the bident and cerberus), Persephone (the Queen of the Unerworld and Goddess of Souls, dressed in more of an Aphrodite fashion), and Demeter (the Goddess of Agriculture, with her wheat and natureness). Their story is that Persephone, Demeter's daughter, was kidnapped by Hades to be his wife. Demeter wanted him to let her go, but before he did, Persephine ate some pomegranate seeds, and whoever eats in the Underworld must stay there, so they came to the agreement that Persephone could stay with her mother for part of the year (because Demeter was so distressed that she wouldn't let the plants grow), but would remain with Hades during the rest (bringing about the harsher of the seasons (mainly winter)). Tada!

My first artwork of 2009. [Started Jan. 2nd; Completed Jan. 5th].

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